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Natural Grow Red Jade Hong Yu White Tea 紅玉白茶

Natural Grow Red Jade Hong Yu White Tea 紅玉白茶

Light oxidation(10%), Non roasted. Hand picked
Origin: Nantou, the central Taiwan
After we picked up tea leaves, wait for 72 hours whitering procession then dry it on the baking area with 40 to 50 degree. Our white tea was hand-picked Red Jade variety in March in Nantou, around 300-400 meter. The tea garden is using natural grow method by Mr. Chen. Red Jade White Tea has light fragracne and light sweet aftertaste. It is nice for summer drink. Can be infused 2-3 times.
Brewing Instructions
tea leaves: 5g, Water: 70-80°C 150cc.
1st brew: 70 seconds, 2nd brew: 60 seconds, 3rd brew: 70-90 seconds
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